Sneak Peak

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cumul I by Louise Bourgeois

Exhibited at Musee national d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1969
credit here

Opinion: I was initially attracted to the smoothness of this piece. I thought it was strange that although Bourgeois created abstract shapes, the shapes seem to have almost human characteristics. Additionally, I like the organicness of the piece with the round shapes and white marble. 

Theory: Louise Bourgeois is a post modernist. She once described her sculptural objects as “groups of object relating to each other...the drama of one among many” (Gardner, Page 1087). This sculpture is a collection of organic- rounded headed units huddled with heads protruding out of a cloak. They are abstract, but remind us of humans and have a certain sensuality about them that is magnified by the high gloss next to the matte finish (Gardner, Page 1088).

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